Sunday, 20 January 2013

SLOGs are being posted...

...and I already see some SLOGs with pretty good names. And chances are, if they have a cool name, they're run by cool people. People with content that I might want to read. If I wasn't lazy, I'd check out everyone's SLOG, but that's too bad. Maybe I'll check them out on some day where I have motivation. But for now, I'll just periodically update this with a list of names so I can just randomly see what other (cool) people are doing.
On further inspection, maybe I should have done a "Hello world!" joke as well. Still no post of my glossary of terms and that sort of jazz in sight.


  1. And to think I went with "" or something like that in my year...

    1. A shame. You could have at least done "", or anything that replaces "Think" with "Vink".

      (I'm sorry.)

    2. Totally stealing that for future use!

  2. Oh boy, someone actually thinks I'm cool. And this someone apparently likes wordplay, programming, and art. Pretty darn cool if you ask me.

    I'm going to follow you back on your blog!

    1. Any arting starvist is pretty awesome, especially if they also like wordplay and programming. So you... pretty much exceed that criteria!
