Wednesday, 30 January 2013

SLOG Logs [001]

So I was checking out other SLOGs, and I think I figured out what was going through the minds of 90% of the class (who actually posted a SLOG entry). And maybe I'll draw more of these over the semester-- it all depends on how lazy and unmotivated I am.

I'm extremely guilty of this too. But I just started posting whatever I wanted to, so it's not much of a problem anymore.


  1. Oooh pretty, how do you draw these?

    Reading all these posts it does look like this is what's going through people's minds. Just posting whatever you want to (about the course) is fine :)

    1. I made this using an art program (Paint Tool SAI).

      "Just posting whatever you want to (about the course) is fine :)" Good thing you clarified 'about the course', or I would've taken that opportunity to post... less related stuff.

  2. Very cool panels. I am tempted to use the (paraphrase) "...suck up? cry?..." panel for future instances of slog assignments.

    1. You should definitely do it. If not only to cause more internal strife amongst future students, as it would turn into:
      "What do I write? I can't suck up, or cry, or praise the TA and prof, since that's what was on that blasted panel. Way to kill 3 ideas. And if I can't do any of those, how on earth do I prove how smart and spectacular I am?"
      Or something to that degree. Go forth and wreak havoc!
