Monday 8 April 2013

Final Stretch (seriously, this post is super stretched compared to my others.)

My long overdue 'Final Day of Class' SLOG post has finally arrived, since I finally found the time to do this (and ignore my impending math exam failure)! I left myself a few notes as to what happened during our final lecture. My first observation was: There were only about 45 students. At first, I only counted 35, but slowly a few others entered. I noticed this in pretty much all of my courses, which leads me to a few theories:
  1. All of the students are slowly becoming one amalgamation of a super-student, as had occurred in my CSC148 course last semester. I don't know how much longer I have until this super-mass devours me as well, but I do hope they'll let me finish my exams.
  2. In an attempt to limit competition, some student has been locking up students that they know, causing them to miss vital information and poetntially fail their courses. Unless they starve to their deaths, but covering up a murder is probably more difficult.
  3. Some third, improbable event occured. Things that fit into this category include: Motivation loss (improbable, considering motivation isn't tangible, so you shouldn't be able to lose it), sleeping in (again improbable, since you can sleep in anywhere, including class. It's much more efficient to just sleep in class, so you can absorb information in your sleep via hynopedia, and clearly, we should all be logical enough to try this), and abduction by extraterrestrial beings (possible, but I'd like to think someone would have had the decency to call me if such a thing happened).

Also, just a side note, my day was great until after CSC165 ended. I got free cereal on the way to class. Afterwards, I had to go to my MAT136 lecture (which I don't particularly enjoy, due to my dislike for that professor), and then Tim Hortons decided not to give me a Roll-Up-The-Rim cup, since I ordered a medium hot chocolate. And the only cups left were for small and large. But I digress.

It was mentioned during class that a cheat sheet could be brought for the final exam, which is a god send. Though I realized I never bothered looking at the cheat sheets I made, just having the motivation to write down the information seemed to be enough to help me memorize and learn what I needed. This will be extremely useful for computability, worst-case time complexity and algorithm analysis, considering I'm absolutely horrible at them. I'll probably stick a few examples of each on my sheet, and rely on luck and epiphanies during the exam. The thickness of the paper was never mentioned, so if anyone knows where I can find really thick paper, please send me a comment.

There was also talk about our SLOGs. At this point, I started to wonder if I had contributed to my SLOG enough, considering there was a total of 10 posts, meaning I missed around 4 weeks. Which is pretty bad. But I'll keep my own self-evaluation until the end, considering that's probably pretty boring. I do believe a lot of people had forgotten about their SLOGs. Of the random samples of SLOGs I decided to check on, a quarter of them had 10 - 11 posts, while the others had from 0 - 5. I could have gone through all of them, but I don't have a mouse at my disposal, so it'd be a bit more troublesome than I'd like. I feel like I could have done more problem solving, but I tended to lose motivation after the first few hours of attempting to solve it. My sister and I did, however, solve the "Free Lunch" problem, since we had no idea whether or not our "Paper Folding" solution would count for just me, who posted it, or for the two of us. Our attempt at the free food can be found here.

As for how I'd rate my SLOG (that's not 4/4/4/4/4, even though that would be a fantastic surprise):
  • Organized: First off, that's a weird header. Regardless, I have no idea. I'm not organized, but I don't think I'm too unorganized either. My posts are really sporadic, but they do make sense in terms of daily content. So I'd give myself a 3/4. (I have no idea what 'Outstanding' organization is, for the record.)
  • Reacts: Another strange header. I did talk about course material, and I did deal with whatever problems I had. Whether I posted it or not-- I have no idea. At the moment, I'm far too tired to look at all my posts and determine this. At the very least: 2/4.
  • Style: This header actually makes sense, except 1337sp33k is a style too. So I think that should have been more specific. I do think I have a decent grasp of (regular, non-1337) spelling, grammar and writing. Unless you count my handwriting (which was seen in my Paper-folding solution and that one comic I did, which I never made a sequel to). In which case, you should probably dock a bunch of marks. So, 4/4 or -100/4. Your call.
  • Problem: ....Solving? This header seemed half finished, but it gets the point across. I had problem solving, but as for the structure of it... Well, that's another story. I mean, it makes sense and isn't too erratic, but... I should have probably left it to my sister to document it, like she did here. So I guess, 2/4 or 3/4.

Also, I never updated my glossary or reported on a3. I have about 3 pieces of scrap paper lying around with the information I need and should have probably put into my glossary, but it seems like I was too lazy to do that. And as for a3, there wasn't much for me to say about it. Except that I really don't like computability, and that my finding a solution for it was 90% luck and 10% "I-hope-my-luck-is-actually-right-it-seems-okay-and-it-looks-like-the-course-notes". And I had around 4 hours of sleep the night before it was due, so I sort of crased after submitting it. Excuses. Excuses everywhere.

Obligatory final note: The course was great and more interesting than I thought it'd be. 10/10 would take again. Especially considering I now know 95% of all the material, so it would probably be a breeze.

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